Loadman Software for Android

Click here to install using QR codes.

  1. For instructions on how to set up your phone to install Loadman apps, Click here
  2. Touch the name of the desired app to start a download.
  3. Open the notifications area on your device, it will show you the download progress and when it is finished.
  4. Touch the downloaded file to initiate the install and then basically agree with everything until the install is complete. when you get to the screen that says the app is installed and has both Open and Done buttons, tap Done. then go to your list of applications and launch your new app from there.
  5. The following is a discussion of the permissions requested by these apps.
    • Network permissions:
      • Create Bluetooth connections: for apps that use Bluetooth.
      • Full internet access: for apps that install licenses from our web site.
    • System tools:
      • Bluetooth administration: to allow apps that use Bluetooth to turn it on if the app is started with Bluetooth off.
      • Prevent phone from sleeping: this is to keep the screen on for status apps (those that mostly just display data). Since there is little interaction, the screen would go off as you are watching. All apps that that keep the screen on are configurable to disable this feature.
  6. Note that when installing on a tablet, you may (depending on Android version) be told that the app was designed for a smaller screen and be asked if you want it expanded to fill the screen. The app allows you to resize the text so it is not necessary to take this option, but it is harmless if you do.

Loadman Remote V1.03
A scoreboard viewer, this app will continuously display all of the weights being collected the selected meter.

Loadman Front Loader V1.7.0
This app provides an interface between the driver of a refuse front loader and the Loadman on-board scale system. It handles data collection, calibration, navigation and many other features to help get the most out of our scales.

Loadman Steel V2.0
This app provides an interface for loadman scales in a steel mill environment. It displays weight data from the scales and provides conrols for recording loads. You can also change and keep track of your current recipe, pile, commodity and heat number.

Loadman Underbody V1.3
This app provides an interface for loadman scales. It displays weight data from the scales across up to 7 trailers or vehicles and provides conrols for recording loads.

Watch this space for more Android apps ...