Edit the Service Assigned to a Load

You can correct the Service assigned to a load from a map. Select the item, click the edit button on the toolbar, and click Map Address.

Note: You may want to set up a default starting position and zoom for the map.

The map will look something like...

The operations of interest are...

  1. Assign load's Lat/Lon to the Service can be used if you think that the coordinates of the load are more accurate than the coordinates currently assigned to the Service. You click this button and the latitude / longitude of the Service is changed to match the load.
  2. Assign load to a different Service is used if the GeoFencing result is incorrect. You first click this button and then you click the Service to which the load is to be assigned.
  3. This is the GeoFence circle, a load must be within this circle to be considered as a match. Since there are two Services in the circle, the one closest to the load was selected as a match and the load was marked as Used Best Match.
  4. This is the Service currently assigned to the load.
  5. This is the gun site that shows the coordinates of the load.
  6. This a nearby Service.